News & Blog
Mapping My EUROPE
What about Art, Aesthetics? What about Europe?
Here we go! Starting SIRIUS4all, Freeartus, CKI Kunst Og Interkultur, Културна фондация А25 /\ A25 Cultural Foundation, and Luoghi Comuni undertook some severe soul- and brain-searching.
We are so excited to have received funding from the European Union under the CREA-CULT-COOP 2023 program – Partners from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, and Italy are ready to deep dive into their explorative arts project SIRIUS4all.
Mein Podcast bei Blackboat in Hamburg
Kurz vor meiner jüngsten Reise nach Middle East war ich bei BLACKBOAT in Hamburg zu Gast für einen Podcast der Reihe On the Way to New Work. Es geht bei diesen Talks mit den Studiogästen immer um besondere Lebenswege und Karrieren. Scheint, ich gehöre dazu.
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